Using our Form Design platform, you've created amazing forms and you've collected data. Now Go Beyond Forms, and leverage that data through a web portal created instantly.

Point. Click. You've built a Web Portal.

With our Workflow Software, anyone can build dynamic web apps. Publish the data collected through your forms, complete with member authentication, searching and drill down capabilities. Zero Programming required. Its Fast & Easy.

Permissions & Security

Secure your pages and forms with a user login in one click. The login page and password reminder feature are generated automatically. Once it’s been secured, you can assign permissions based on who’s logging in to control what they can see.

Drill Down for More

Add drill down pages to view more detail about the data you’ve published using our form publishing tools. You customize every aspect of the drill down page including the layout and even the CSS. It’s easier than ever to create powerful web apps.


Whether you want to simply publish a directory listing of all your form submissions or create an order fulfillment application with multiple users and intelligent processing, you can do it. Whatever you want to do, the Form Publishing & Form Workflow wizard can help you.