Your goal is to make it as easy for your user to complete your form. More completions equal more leads, more sales, more revenue. In order to do that, you have to make your forms smarter.
Read on to learn how you can dramatically improve the usability of your forms and yield more completions in four simple steps.
A Note About Using Smart Defaults
Smart defaults are your form’s default selections that serve the majority of respondents. Using them is great way to to expedite your form’s completion because it’s already partially filled out.
Your customers will thank you for helping them complete your form. A good example is setting the default selected option within a set of radio buttons. Take some time to consider if the initial selection is the right one for the majority of your users.
Step #1: Add Bindings & Calculations.
Make your forms smarter with bindings & calculations. Don’t make the user re-enter their information, use bindings instead to copy values from one field to the next.
If you need to total up the cost of an order and add shipping and tax, don’t ask the user to do it – use bindings & calculations to do it automatically. With logiforms you can write flexible bindings & calculations to make your forms powerful, smarter and easier to use.
Step #2: Simplify Data Entry with Field Masks.
If you need to collect data in a specific format, don’t just throw up an error message telling the user to reformat their response – do it for them.
Using field masks can force the input into a specific format. Logiforms provides a number of field masks so you can collect things like phone numbers and get a consistent format (e.g (206) 384-4671) collected each time.
Step #3: Use Conditional Logic to Show Only Relevant Fields.
We’ve touched on it before but it bears repeating. Use Logiforms’ Conditional Logic and Dependencies to only show the relevant fields to your users. Keep your form simple and to the point and remove all the unnecessary clutter with this powerful technique proven to boost completion rates.
Step #4: Enable Dynamic Field Population.
This is a more advanced topic and something specific to Logiforms. Dynamic lookup is the process of looking up data from an alternate table and using the results to populate fields on your form.
For example, users might enter their account number on your form and then all of their first name, last name, address and similar fields would be automatically populated.